How to request a WhatsApp Template

Learn how to request WhatsApp message templates in Landbot, a crucial step in sending engaging WhatsApp campaigns to your subscribers.

Supported Media: Link

Message Template Guidelines: Link

Let's dive right into it and uncover how to request WhatsApp message templates within Landbot.

Inside the Landbot application, head over to the WhatsApp Business section, select your channel, and navigate to Message templates. Simply click on "request message templates" to begin the process.

A pop-up will appear where you can name your new template (remember, all lowercase and no spaces) and select a category.

After specifying the template's language, you can edit its content, including headers, body text with parameters, footer, and optional buttons for engagement.

Once your template is ready, click "Send request." Monitor the status, and within 24 hours, you should receive feedback from WhatsApp. Once approved, your template is ready for WhatsApp campaigns. It's that simple!

00:00 Intro

00:14 How to Request a Message Template in Landbot

02:40 Outro

Course episodes

Key Takeaways

  • Request WhatsApp templates
  • Approval process by WhatsApp
  • Use parameters for personalised messaging