
Navigating Double Opt-In Requirements for WhatsApp Chatbots: How to Break the Barrier

Illustrator: Adan Augusto
whatsapp chatbots double opt in

WhatsApp, with its nearly 3 billion monthly active users, has become an essential tool for business communication, offering a direct and personal way to connect with customers on one of their preferred platforms. 

More and more businesses are including WhatsApp in their lead generation strategy to send out marketing messages. However, there are limitations and strict rules to WhatsApp usage by businesses, since WhatsApp has a good user experience at its core and so prevents businesses from flooding people with communications they don’t want to receive. 

This is why WhatsApp users need to show their interest in receiving messages from businesses twice — what is called a double opt-in

Even though WhatsApp’s double opt-in policy benefits users, it also poses challenges to businesses. 

In this article, we’ll help you understand how WhatsApp’s double opt-in requirements work, the challenges they present, and strategies for overcoming them. 

Understanding WhatsApp’s Double Opt-In Requirements

WhatsApp is, first and foremost, a personal messaging platform that prioritizes the users’ experience. For that reason, businesses can’t simply spam any person with marketing or sales content. Let’s say you have your customers’ contact information in your database; you can’t just take their phone numbers and start messaging them on WhatsApp. 

Instead, those who wish to receive business communications must opt-in to receive them

WhatsApp opt-ins happen in two steps, stated very clearly in the WhatsApp Business Messaging Policy:

  • First, people give businesses their phone numbers via a click-to-WhatsApp link, QR code, or other entry point;
  • And second, they confirm they give businesses permission to contact them and send them subsequent messages. 

This is what happens when you scan the QR code on Landbot’s LinkedIn page cover image to join our Ungated Conversations WhatsApp channel:

landbot whatsapp channel opt-in

You see that scanning the QR code isn’t enough — you, the potential customer, are prompted to actively confirm your wish to join the channel and receive future updates from Landbot. 

The goal of WhatsApp’s double opt-in requirement is to protect app users from getting flooded with business communications while ensuring data privacy and compliance. 

This is a great policy for people using WhatsApp. However, it can pose some challenges for businesses when it comes to obtaining more opt-ins as part of a WhatsApp lead generation strategy

Challenges of Double WhatsApp Opt-In for Business Accounts

Every additional step in the customer journey increases the chances of prospects abandoning the process. For businesses, this can mean fewer leads, lower engagement rates, and reduced conversion rates. 

Let’s have a look at the main challenges businesses face when implementing a WhatsApp opt-in strategy. 

Increased Drop-Off

The main challenge of WhatsApp’s double opt-in requirement is an increase in potential customer drop-off

As we’ve already covered, signing up to receive business communications on WhatsApp requires two steps—the initial sign-up and an opt-in confirmation—which can significantly reduce the number of people who complete the process. 

The drop-off rate, in turn, can negatively impact your WhatsApp lead generation strategy, by keeping you from reaching your desired number of leads from your target audience. 

Negative Impact on the User Experience

WhatsApp’s double opt-in process may negatively impact the user experience by potentially causing confusion and adding friction, which can lead to frustration. Let’s unpack this. 

Your potential customers who don’t fully understand the purpose of, or even know about, the double opt-in process, may become confused as to why they need to confirm their opt-in after already having shown an interest in signing up. They may also misinterpret the confirmation message as spam if they don’t know they’ll receive it as the final step of opting into your WhatsApp business communication channel. 

Prospects may also perceive this extra step as unnecessary if they’re unaware of the goal, which is to ensure they have a good WhatsApp experience. This can lead to them ignoring your WhatsApp opt-in message or deleting it, thus leading to a failed opt-in process and a missed opportunity for your business. 

Ultimately, if people have a negative first experience with your WhatsApp channel, they may end up with an incorrect perception of your brand and be less willing to engage with it in the future. 

Overlooked Messages

Even though WhatsApp messages have very high open rates compared to other channels such as email, if someone’s WhatsApp inbox is too crowded, they may overlook your WhatsApp opt-in message or accidentally delete it before confirming their opt-in. 

This can be a problem particularly in cases where the message is not immediately noticeable or the sending is delayed for whatever reason. 

We know that if prospects don’t complete this step, they won’t be subscribed to your WhatsApp channels and won’t receive any future messages from you. Can you imagine thinking you’re signing up for regular updates from a business and then not hearing back from them? 

Not only is this a negative user experience, but it’s also a missed business opportunity to engage with potential customers. 

Additional Set-Up Complexity

To prevent the message delivery delays mentioned above, you need to ensure that your WhatsApp chatbots are up and running as soon as your WhatsApp channel opt-in CTAs are out in the wild. 

This means that implementing a double WhatsApp opt-in system requires additional technical setup. Ensuring that both the initial opt-in — whichever entry points you’re using — and the confirmation message are correctly delivered, tracked, and recorded adds complexity to the setup process. 

In turn, this may increase your team’s workload for a while, which may prevent some businesses from setting up a WhatsApp business communication channel altogether and miss out on WhatsApp lead generation opportunities. 

How to Break the WhatsApp Double Opt-In Barrier

Understanding the challenges posed by the double WhatsApp opt-in is the first step to addressing them. So, you’re on the right track!

Now, let’s see what businesses can do to solve these challenges and ensure a smooth and effective WhatsApp opt-in process for your leads. 

WhatsApp Opt-In Strategy

To navigate the challenges of WhatsApp’s double opt-in, it’s crucial to develop a clear and effective WhatsApp opt-in strategy

Remember how I told you that some people may not know about double opt-in or understand its purpose?

Your WhatsApp opt-in message is a good opportunity to let them know there’s an additional step to sign up to receive your business communications and what this step looks like

The second step is confirmation on WhatsApp, which, as shown in a few sections above, can look, for example, like a pre-defined message the lead must send. It can also be a simple “Yes” or “No” option, like here:

landbot whatsapp opt-in block

However you decide is the best option for your prospects to confirm their opt-in, make sure your message is straightforward, informative, and compelling. 

Timing is also critical, so you should verify that, from a technical perspective, there are no delays in message delivery. 

Finally, use your WhatsApp opt-in message to provide additional context on why potential customers should opt in. Let’s not forget that your opt-in message must clearly state what type of information they’re signing up to receive. A well-crafted opt-in confirmation message increases the likelihood of consent and contributes to your WhatsApp opt-in strategy’s success. 

Incentivize Opt-In Completion

Since completing the double opt-in process is essential for leads to receive your WhatsApp business communications, you need to make sure that they’re encouraged to do so. Providing context on your WhatsApp channel on the entry point and the opt-in confirmation message is a good practice, but it might not be enough for some of your potential customers. 

So, how can you incentivize them to complete the double opt-in?

An extra step you can take is offering them a small incentive for completing the double opt-in and highlighting the benefits of joining your WhatsApp channel. That incentive can be a special discount, or a free resource such as a masterclass or whitepaper, and the benefits can be something like getting regular updates with personalized and/or exclusive content. 

When it comes to the content you share on WhatsApp, whether it’s the WhatsApp opt-in confirmation message or subsequent updates, you should ensure that it’s always engaging in some way. Use a tone that matches your brand personality, but also that leads will find appealing, include visual elements, and share content that’s valuable. And don’t forget to add a clear and compelling CTA that encourages prospects to complete the opt-in with minimal hesitation.

Finally, as already mentioned, your WhatsApp opt-in confirmation message should be sent promptly after the initial opt-in action to keep it fresh in people’s minds. Delays can lead to confusion as to whether or not they have successfully opted in, or to leads losing interest altogether. 

The goal of incentivizing them to opt-in is to reduce drop-offs and improve the overall experience with your WhatsApp channel, so keep these tips in mind when developing your WhatsApp opt-in strategy.

Note: Once leads have opted into your WhatsApp channel, to be able to send them automated notifications you need your first message to be a WhatsApp Message Template. Check out this blog article if you need a refresher on the rules or if you’re looking for WhatsApp message examples

Find the Right WhatsApp Business Partner

When implementing your WhatsApp opt-in strategy, and overall WhatsApp lead generation strategy, you’ll need a WhatsApp Business Partner. That’s because the WhatsApp Business API doesn’t have its own interface, it merely allows you to connect WhatsApp to your CRM. 

The main things to keep in mind when looking for a WhatsApp Business Partner are:

  • Easy WhatsApp Business API integration: while you can apply for the API directly, it’s a complex process that will most likely require a developer to set up the API on your end. You’re better off working with a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (such as Landbot) that acts as an intermediary and oversees the process from start to finish. 
  • A user-friendly interface: the right partner will help you solve any complex challenges in setup. Make sure you find a WhatsApp automation tool that allows you to easily build and launch WhatsApp chatbots that handle the double opt-in process. 

There are other factors to consider when it comes to finding the right WhatsApp marketing tool, but to put it simply, they should make your life easier and empower you to bring your WhatsApp lead generation strategy to life with as little friction as possible. 

Landbot offers a lot of advantages as a Business Partner for your WhatsApp opt-in strategy. 

First, it allows you to create WhatsApp chatbots either with our no-code builder or using our AI Assistant, which will guide your leads through the opt-in process in a friendly and engaging way, increasing the likelihood of sign-ups. This means you’ll be able to get your WhatsApp lead generation strategy up and running even if you dont’ have technical knowledge and without overbearing your team. 

Second, if you’re already using WhatsApp for sales or customer support, you can add a WhatsApp opt-in block to your chatbot flows as an additional entry point to your WhatsApp channel. 

landbot chatbot builder whatsapp opt-in
Source: Landbot Knowledge Center

Finally, partnering with Landbot to collect WhatsApp opt-ins ensures that your process is compliant with data protection regulations like GDPR. The double opt-in confirmation via a Landbot WhatsApp bot ensure you have a clear record of user consent, which is essential for legal compliance as well as WhatsApp’s privacy policy. 

You can communicate this to your potential customers to make them feel safe about their data being protected. 

Businesses That Have Successfully Implemented a WhatsApp Double Opt-in Process

The proof is in the pudding, so let’s look at a couple of examples of the WhatsApp opt-in process in action, and see the business value they offer. 

Landbot's Ungated Conversations Channel on WhatsApp 

At Landbot, we created our Ungated Conversations WhatsApp channel as part of our lead nurturing strategy. Prospects can sign up to receive our communications through a web chatbot we added to the dedicated WhatsApp channel page or by scanning a QR code they can find across some of our social media channels. After they’ve found one of those entry points, they receive an opt-in message on WhatsApp to confirm their subscription. 

The Ungated Conversations channel provides valuable content to both leads and actual customers, such as updates on Landbot’s new features, case studies from our clients, and tips for better lead generation and management strategies

Integrating WhatsApp into our strategy has proved rather effective. Our WhatsApp communications boast a read rate of 51% and a response rate of 15% across campaigns. If we compare these numbers to email open rates (20-25%) and click-through rates (2-3%), the WhatsApp results are much better. 

HashAds/Stars of Africa

Landbot customers HashAds partnered with Stars of Africa, the biggest youth football academy in South Africa, to improve their player trail signup experience. 

The original goal of implementing a WhatsApp chatbot was to collect key player information and automate the trial registration process to be able to provide a better experience. However, during the flow, the chatbot also asks for explicit consent from players to be able to send them future communications. 

stars of africa whatsapp opt-in

By offering registered players the option to opt-in to keep receiving notifications on WhatsApp, Stars of Africa was able to reach 70% of players actually attending the trials because they consented to being kept in the loop about trial dates. Without this second opt-in, even though players were already in touch with Stars of Africa via WhatsApp, it wouldn’t have been possible to send them more updates after the initial interaction was finished. 


The examples above are just a few of the many businesses that effectively apply a double opt-in to their WhatsApp channel without compromising user experience and results. 

We know that navigating WhatsApp’s double opt-in requirements can be challenging, but with the right game-plan in place, it’s possible to break through the barriers and effectively establish a WhatsApp opt-in strategy. 

Even though it may seem so at first, the double opt-in process isn’t there to be a hurdle. It’s a matter of ensuring that potential customers have a good WhatsApp experience and only receive the business communications they’re genuinely interested in receiving. 

With the right approach and the right WhatsApp Business Solution Provider, you’re sure to build an efficient opt-in strategy that supports your WhatsApp lead generation efforts.