
How to Triple Your PPC Conversion Using Conversational Landing Pages

Illustrator: Xelon XLF
chatbot landing page for ppc

Nowadays, differentiating yourself among the many PPC ads is quite a challenge. Thatā€™s definitely one ā€” but not the only ā€” reason why you should consider using a conversational landing page to put a twist on your campaigns.Ā 

According to Formstack (2020), PPC ranks among the top three best channels to obtain high-volume leads which makes it an attractive channel for marketers worldwide. In 2020, businesses spent over $110 billion in PPC and continue to increase their spending on PPC ads to generate revenue (Statista 2021).Ā 

So, while effective, the channel remains heavily competitive, requiring marketers like me to come up with ever more creative campaigns, more efficient ways of optimization, and more thorough tracking.

One of the most recent of such creative approaches is the use of chatbot landing pages. Therefore, in this article, I decided to share how to create a bot and set up accurate tracking for your PPC campaign to facilitate optimization ā€” without expiring in the process.Ā 

The Conversion Power of Conversations

Engaging leads with a real-time chat right after their first click improves conversion. In fact, good lead conversion is one of the key advantages of a chatbot landing page. Based on numerous campaign tests, on average, a bot converts 20% better than a static landing page.Ā 

Though, thereā€™s no limit to how good the results can be.Ā 

For instance, thanks to conversational landing page campaigns, our sales team was able to raise the number of booked meetings by 100%. Similarly, Landbot user, Arora Project, managed to triple their lead acquisition while slashing their CPL by 30% using the conversational concept:

One of the reasons such results are achievable is the possibility of continuously A/B test various conversation flows and instantly having a very detailed insight into the chat drop-off points. It allows you to rework the copy and improve the flow in real-time.Ā 

The PPC Tracking Challenge & How to Solve It

Efficient and accurate tracking is the key to the success of any PPC campaign, conversational landing pages included.Ā Ā 

To accurately monitor your campaigns, you need to be able to connect them to your main monitoring tool, such as Google Analytics, as well as to set the goals for your Google Adwords campaign.

To increase the success rate of your conversational campaign, Iā€™ll show how to configure campaign goal tracking inside all three: Landbot bot flow, Google Analytics, and Google Adwords.Ā 

Step 1: Set up Google Analytics inside PPC Bot Flow

Letā€™s not waste time explaining the details of creating a flow for your campaign. Though, if you are new to bot creation and are interested in learning more, you can always check out our excellent step-by-step bot creation tutorial. Instead, Iā€™ll focus on getting your bot ready for the PPC campaign.Ā 

Once youā€™ve built the conversation flow, you need to add the Google Analytics block.Ā 

Itā€™s important to know that you can add more than one Google Analytics block inside the same chatbot. Doing so comes particularly handy when the flow is long and complex and aims to achieve not one but several objectives. For the purpose of this tutorial, Iā€™ll only use one block as the process would be the same for each additional one.Ā 

Draw a green arrow from the selected place in the conversation flow ā€” one that indicates a goal you want to record and choose the ā€œGoogle Analyticsā€ block from the menu:

Itā€™ll appear in the flow as follows:Ā 

Now, itā€™s time to configure your Google Analytics ID.

First, click the Analytics block to open the blockā€™s editor. Next, click ā€œAdd Google Analytics Tracking ID:ā€

Upon clicking the button, the Landbot app will redirect you to the ā€œSettingsā€ section of the bot-building canvas, to the subsection ā€œSEO & Tracking.ā€ Once there, scroll down the tracking options, insert our Google Analytics ID in the designated field and click ā€œApply Changes.ā€Ā 

Lastly, you need to return to the Google Analytics block and configure it with the data of the event which you want to track. It's extremely simple. All you need to do is fill in the compulsory fields and assign a value to the objective.Ā 

Step 2: Configure Google Analytics

In this step, Iā€™ll explain how to configure the settings inside Google Analytics so that you can track the events inside the bot.

Firstly, go to the ā€œAdminā€ section in your Google Analytics and, in the View section, select "Goals.ā€

Once inside, create a new goal as follows:

  • Select the goal type as ā€œCustomā€ and continue
  • In the ā€œGoal Descriptionā€ field, insert the name you wish to assign to the goal. Then, set goal type to ā€œEvent.ā€
  • Lastly, you need to configure Goal Details exactly the same way as you did inside the chatbot flow:

Please Note: If the Google Analytics block is set up and running already, you can always verify if the set-up is working correctly by clicking ā€œVerify this Goal.ā€

Step 3: Configure Google Analytics Goals in Google Adwords

The last step brings the process to a close and ensures we can use the objective set up inside the bot as the objective of our PPC campaign.

  • Enter your Adwords account and go to Tools > Measurement > Conversions
  • Click the + icon
  • Select ā€œImportā€
  • Select the Goal you want to use and import
  • And itā€™s done, now you can create campaigns with this objective!

To Conclude

PPC campaigns are a powerful lead generation channel. Though, as a marketer, I know that no matter how effective they are, they can always be better.Ā 

Using conversational landing pages for PPC engages leads from the get-go and allows you to track leadsā€™ progress through the conversation and collect crucial data that will help you optimize your campaigns.Ā 

With the right tracking, you can optimize your conversion and reach excellent results every time!