G2 reviews Landbot 2023
Landbot Meta Business Partner

Convert more leads into qualified prospects

You bring the traffic. Our AI-powered chatbots effectively engage leads across channels, so you can turn them into customers.

No Credit Card required

No Coding required

marketing landbot header image

Convert more leads into qualified prospects

You bring the traffic. Our AI-powered chatbots effectively engage leads across channels, so you can turn them into customers.

No Credit Card required

No Coding required

G2 reviews Landbot 2023
Landbot Meta Business Partner
marketing landbot header image

No Credit Card required

No Coding required

No Credit Card required

No Coding required

Marketing teams love 💕 increasing lead conversion rates with Landbot

Allianz logo - Landbot
Coca-cola logo - Landbot
MediaMarket logo - Landbot
BNP Paribas - Landbot
Nestle logo - Landbot
Generali logo - Landbot

How to support your marketing strategy with AI chatbots

landbot AI appointment assistant - step 1

Align the chatbot to your Marketing goals

Identify touch points in the customer journey to generate leads and define your chatbot's objectives accordingly.

landbot AI assistant - train your AI

Design the conversational experience

Engage leads 24/7, gather key data, and employ AI for human-like interactions and increased conversions.

landbot AI assistant - step 3 enable notifications

Deploy the chatbot across channels

Make the bot accessible on your website, WhatsApp, Messenger, or anywhere your leads are through API.

landbot AI assistant - step 4 publish your assistant

Analyze performance and optimize

Monitor conversations, identify conversion issues, and make adjustments to boost bot performance.

Marketing chatbots for easy conversational automation

Reduce cost-per-lead by 30% and increase engagement on any channel.

marketing solutions landbot interactive bots

Say goodbye to boring forms on website pages, and hello to interactive, friendly chatbots.

Say goodbye to boring forms on website pages, and hello to interactive, friendly chatbots.

Convert, follow-up, and nurture leads instantly on WhatsApp to reduce response times.

marketing landbot meta chat image

Convert, follow-up, and nurture leads instantly on WhatsApp to reduce response times.

marketing solutions landbot facebook messenger

Turn social ads into revenue on Facebook Messenger, or wherever you advertise.

Turn social ads into revenue on Facebook Messenger, or wherever you advertise.

Integrate chatbots into your leads' preferred communication channels effortlessly using APIs.

marketing landbot integrations image

Integrate chatbots into your leads' preferred communication channels effortlessly using APIs.

Marketing chatbots for easy conversational automation

Reduce cost-per-lead by 30% and increase engagement on any channel.

marketing solutions landbot interactive bots

Say goodbye to boring forms on website pages, and hello to interactive, friendly chatbots.


Built-in analytics to track essential metrics, set up custom goals and run live experiments

Enable data-driven decision making across your team and drill into chat data with exportable reports, metrics and flow analytics for drop-off tracking.

Explore all features

Convert, follow-up, and nurture leads instantly on WhatsApp to reduce response times.

marketing landbot meta chat image

Built-in analytics to track essential metrics, set up custom goals and run live experiments

Enable data-driven decision making across your team and drill into chat data with exportable reports, metrics and flow analytics for drop-off tracking.

Explore all features
marketing solutions landbot facebook messenger

Turn social ads into revenue on Facebook Messenger, or wherever you advertise.


Built-in analytics to track essential metrics, set up custom goals and run live experiments

Enable data-driven decision making across your team and drill into chat data with exportable reports, metrics and flow analytics for drop-off tracking.

Explore all features

Integrate chatbots into your leads' preferred communication channels effortlessly using APIs.

marketing landbot integrations image

Built-in analytics to track essential metrics, set up custom goals and run live experiments

Enable data-driven decision making across your team and drill into chat data with exportable reports, metrics and flow analytics for drop-off tracking.

Explore all features

Lead conversion, qualification, and nurturing made easy

Impress your Sales and Customer Service teams by expertly managing leads, resulting in happy customers.

Marketing leads Landbot
Marketing leads Landbot

Create AI marketing chatbots

Deploy sophisticated bots instantly and increase conversions across channels.

Sales qualification Landbot

Manage leads automatically

Qualify leads on autopilot and and immediately reflect that data in your CRM.

Customer Service 24/7 Landbot

Nurture leads to purchase

Keep leads engaged and the conversation going until they're ready to buy.

Connect Landbot to the apps you love 😍

Reflect, update, and store data your chatbots collect to improve your day-to-day work efficiency.

Businesses are built on relationships...
Relationships are built on conversations...

...And conversational experiences are

Made with Landbot ❤️
Businesses are built on relationships...
Relationships are built on conversations...

...And conversational experiences are

Made with Landbot ❤️
Landbot builder AI-powered chatbots

You're in good company

Join 12,000+ businesses that use Landbot

Pick a ready to use chatbot template and customise it as per your needs.

G2 leader small business 2023G2 leader fall 2023G2 easy to do business with fall 2023G2 fastest implementation fall 2023G2 leader EMEA fall 2023G2 leader Europe fall 2023

You're in good company

Join 12,000+ businesses that use Landbot

Join 12,000+ businesses that use Landbot

G2 leader small business 2023G2 leader fall 2023G2 easy to do business with fall 2023G2 fastest implementation fall 2023G2 leader EMEA fall 2023G2 leader Europe fall 2023
G2 reviews landbot stars

"Landbot helps us capture high quality leads."

customer review G2 landbot
Pradikta A.

Growth Marketing Manager

G2 reviews landbot stars

"The tool is the best. It allows to create bots for Facebook, Web and WhatsApp."

customer review G2 landbot
Daniel C.

MarTech Director

G2 reviews landbot stars

"Landbot is the best chatbot tool in the market"

customer review G2 landbot
Guilherme S


G2 reviews landbot stars

"Easy builder for high impact conversations!"

customer review G2 landbot
Narciso M

Innovation Coordinator

reviews G2

"Landbot helps us capture high quality leads."

photo profile G2 landbot reviews

Pradikta A.

Growth Marketing Manager

reviews G2

"The tool is the best. It allows to create bots for Facebook, Web and WhatsApp."

photo profile G2 landbot reviews

Daniel C.

MarTech Director

reviews G2

"Landbot is the best chatbot tool in the market"

photo profile G2 landbot reviews

Guilherme S


reviews G2

"Easy builder for high impact conversations!"

photo profile G2 landbot reviews

Narciso M

Innovation Coordinator