
Top 22 Tools to Include in Your Martech Stack in 2022

Illustrator: Jana PĆ©rez
martech stack guide

The number of MarTech tools available has become overwhelming in its variety. While having a wide selection is a great thing, many companies and marketers suffer from overchoice when building their MarTech stack.

Who could blame them?

The infamous Martech Supergraphic representing MarTech solutions out there has grown from 150 in 2011 to 8000 in 2020!

Choosing our marketing technology stack for Landbot hasnā€™t been easy. All in all, we have been directing all our efforts on finding the most efficient ways to get the job done, be it through research or the good old trial and error.

In any case, it inspired me to put together a list of the most useful and inspiring solutions we have come across and which you should consider adding to your MarTech stack in 2022.

If you are wondering how to find and capture more leads, improve conversion rates, or find a more efficient way to collect and customize customer data, you are in the right place!

What is a MarTech Stack?

A marketing technology stack (commonly known as ā€œMarTech Stack) is, essentially, a collection of technologies that digital marketers use to optimize and efficiently perform marketing activities across various channels. Companies and teams leverage these tools to analyze customer data and campaign performance, streamline internal collaboration, as well as communicate with their client base.

There is no ā€œright-sizeā€ when it comes to the MarTech stack. It varies from business to business and depends significantly on company size as well as your priorities.

Martech Landscape in Graphic Form

In the past few years, there has been a boom in the marketing technologies sector. MarTech tools are sprouting up everywhere, often offering ever more innovative solutions. One of the testaments to this trend is the aforementioned Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic for 2020:

martech landscape 2020

The graphic divides the MarTech landscape into six main categories:

martech category growth

The study shows that since 2019, marketing technologies saw the most remarkable growth in the areas of Data, Management, and Social & Relationships, respectively.

I think this growth accurately reflects the trends we have been seeing, such as data protection compliance laws, focus on workflow efficiency and the rise of conversational solutions in customer communication.

Why Invest in a MarTech Stack?

The MarTech space is flourishing, and, given the events of 2020, its growth is only bound to accelerate.

martech landscape evolution

The need for efficient digitalization and optimization has never been more pressing than today. With the whole world closed at home, tech solutions have been picking up the slack on all levels, saving companies from bitter ends and even bringing some to a whole new level of glory.

The advantage of a good stack is organizing (stacking) your digital marketing tools strategically, in the most efficient way possible. Each tool you choose to integrate into that stack should complement the others so that your marketing, sales, finance, and other teams are always on the same page. It helps to streamline communication, save time, cost and so enable more efficient resource allocation.

Ascend2, a marketing research publisher, recently surveyed B2B and B2C marketers to understand MarTech stack optimization challenges and trends.

At the beginning of 2020, 77% of marketers have either implemented a clear MarTech strategy, were working towards it or were in the development phase. Only 23% did not make MarTech choices as part of a deliberate plan.

martech stack strategy

When asked about the planned MarTech investments for the year ahead, of the surveyed sample of B2B and B2C marketers, only 14% did not intend to invest in any new tools.

martech stack investment

The reason? A strategic approach to MarTech stack has overwhelmingly positive results:

martech stack success

It seems that thinking about your marketing technology stack as a strategy where each tool fulfills an exact function and connects seamlessly to the rest of your stack has its benefits.

How to Build your MarTech Stack?

Before I move on to our list, letā€™s look at how to go about building a marketing technology stack. If this is your first time thinking about your toolset strategically, this is a place to start.

Setting Goals & Identifying Pain Points

The very first step to selecting the right marketing tools is to set your priorities and identify the critical problems standing in the way to reach those priorities.

According to the study mentioned above, the top three goals of marketers in 2020 included improving marketing efficiency, improving customer experience, and increased marketing ROI. When asked about the biggest barriers and challenges, improving marketing challenges, improving attribution revenue, and integrating disparate systems surfaced as the most worrisome in terms of their stack optimization.

martech stack priorities and challenges

Therefore, before you rush to pick the latest tools, ask and answer these questions in as much detail as possible:

  • What do you want to achieve?
  • What are likely to be the biggest obstacles to achieving those goals?

Whether you need to scale production, gain a better understanding of collected data, improve lead generation or focus on smaller goals within those categories, you need to be able to say: ā€œwe need a tool that does X and Y.ā€ E.g., I need a tool that helps me capture user data in a friendly way, BUT I also need it to be easy to master and integrate with my CRM system.

This will help you to ā€œclean upā€ your expectations and perhaps save you from bad investments. For example, marketers often fall prey to the ā€œbest-on-the-marketā€ multi-purpose tools, which, donā€™t take me wrong, are excellent, but in many cases, unnecessary. They drive up the cost of the stack while a significant percentage of their features stay unused.

Remember, you donā€™t need a tool that does everything. You need one that fulfills your specific goals and connects well with the rest.

Get the Basics Down

Before you start stacking your tech tools, you should ensure you are clear on the basics. A proficient marketing stack needs to be able to provide:

  • Marketing automation
  • Customer relationship management system
  • Content management system
  • Analytics platform

Beyond that, itā€™s all about finding technologies that help you reach the specific goals and strategies you have set for your company more efficiently.

Finding Example Martech Stacks

Whether you are building your MarTech stack from scratch or re-evaluating an existing one, checking out other companiesā€™ stacks is an excellent place to start. It might just help you cover the hole in your system you didnā€™t realize you had.

Browse the internet or reach out to your partners to gain insight into how specific marketing departments leverage their technology stack compared to others.

22 Tools for 2022 Marketing Technology Stack

Now that I have covered the basics, itā€™s time to get down to our list of 22 MarTech tool recommendations for 2022.

Just so we are on the same page, this list about tools we ourselves found useful, intriguing, or those that left us quite impressed. I am leaving out all the straightforward and apparent choices like Google Analytics, Adwords, Google Drive and going for the ones you might not have thought of otherwise.

Though, if you are curious about the most trending marketing technology, check out the MarTech analysis on Martechtribe. If not, letā€™s get started!

There is one thing you can be sure of; my list is dominated by no-code!

1. Landbot ā€“ Lead Generation & Engagement

The choice of Landbot might seem a tiny bit biased given that I am the CEO. Nevertheless, our own tool is at the center of our marketing strategy, and I have an undying belief in its potential. Hence, not including it on this list would be misleading and downright dishonest. Let me explain what I meanā€¦

Landbot is, in essence, a no-code chatbot builder that allows non-technical people to create rule-based and even NLP-based conversational assistants for the web, WhatsApp, Facebook, as well as any other messaging or native app using API.


When constructing a chatbot for the web, you can easily share it in 4 different formats, including:

  • Typical live chat widget in the corner
  • Pop-up
  • Website embed
  • Stand-alone landing page

Because of this flexibility, Landbotā€™s most powerful applications are lead generation and engagement.


Since the conversations are quick to create, update, and monitor, the platform offers rare freedom for marketers to experiment with real-time conversations. E.g., by substituting forms or surveys with a friendlier chat format and offering immediate satisfaction in a way that feels comfortable and natural on pretty much any device.

Quite merely, Landbot is the most marketing-budget-friendly automation tool on the chatbot market, so easy to work with, even an intern you hired two days ago wonā€™t have issues dealing with it.

Free trial: Yes
Free plan: Yes
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Starts at 30$/month

2. Encharge ā€“ CMS & Email Journey

Encharge is one of the tools in our MarTech stack, and since it has been delivering nothing but excellent results, I am happy to put it on our list.

encharge email martech tool

Encharge is a tool that helps you manage customer data from your apps and uses them to create personalized email journeys you can segment based on descriptive and behavioral data. Before Encharge, we used Autopilot. However, their pricing wasnā€™t at all scaling-friendly, and as we grew, the price for their service became unreasonable.

So, Landbot went out into the world and found Encharge, a platform with a quite exceptional customer service, super easy visual journey builder, and a pricing system suitable for fast-growing businesses that need to handle large volumes of data like us. Once the email journey was up and running, we discovered more amazing features such as using this tool for lead qualification and creating hyper customization events to Segment and Mixpanel to support our remarketing campaigns. All that without coding.

Free trial: Yes
Free plan: No
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Subscriber-based; starts at $49/month

3. Elementorā€“ All-in-One Marketing & Web Creation Platform

Elementor enables anyone to create comprehensive WordPress websites without needing or having to know how to code.

WordPress is by far the most popular CMS around, and with good reason; itā€™s flexible and allows for extremely dynamic websites.

But if you lack real coding chops, creating a WordPress website can prove very challenging. Elementor was created to help those who canā€™t (or donā€™t want to) code realize their dream of a killer WP site.

Elementor empowers just about any user to create whatever website they envision. It boasts a number of features that help SMB owners create their own WordPress-based online stores, capture leads and close deals. Just as importantly, it integrates with just about every prominent CRM and notable sales enablement tools, so you can fit it neatly into your martech stack.

Free trial: No
Free plan: Yes
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Subscription packages start at US$49 per year.

4. Webflow ā€“ NoCode Web Design, CMS & Hosting

Not a fun of Wordpress? Then Webflow might be just the thing! While the learning curve might be slightly steeper than with Wordpress, itā€™s a hundred times more flexible, safer, and more efficient.

webflow nocode martech stack

The best part and perhaps the most significant innovation of Webflow is its web design tool. Unlike what you might be used to with similar platforms, Webflow web designer offers front-end coding flexibility without requiring you to actually code. Naturally, it has a learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, you can create websites and landing pages as if you could code.

However, what really takes this tool to the next level is when you integrate CMS with the Designer. The CMS enables you to create collections, which are basically custom content types. Each collection is made up of fields (e.g., headline, plain text, date, images, colors, and even Rich Text) and can be connected directly to the Webflos Designer. Hence you can use this collection to upload and publish hundreds of articles or products at once.

Webflow is the next generation when it comes to web development. It doesnā€™t limit what you can do; it just makes it faster ā€“ and easy to understand for marketers without tech skills.

Free trial: No
Free plan: Yes (in Account-based pricing only)
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Account-based (starts at $16/month); Site Based (starts at $12/ month ($29 for eCommerce)

5. Airtable ā€“ Spreadsheet-Database Solution

Airtable has been taking Silicon Valley by storm, and, at Landbot, we couldnā€™t quite resist its charm and efficacy either.

airtable martech stack guide

In the simplest of terms, Airtable takes the best of spreadsheet and database functionalities and combines them in one wonderful cloud-based service.

Airtable can store information in a good-looking and easy-to-use spreadsheet format while being also powerful enough to act as a database you can use for CRM, task or content management, project planning, inventory tracking, etc. Apart from the usual spreadsheet functionalities, you can also add photos, checkboxes, and add star ratings to the cells; create relationships between different tables, view information from other tables, and even create your own apps without coding using the Blocks function!

For instance, we have been using Airtable to sort and filter customer feedback collected by our bots and project planning. Online publications such as Fortune, Time, and Money leverage it to manage their video and photo production schedules.

We love Airtable so much that native Landbot-Airtable integration is mere weeks from launch. You will be able to connect your bots with Airtable databases in seconds!

Free trial: Yes
Free plan: Yes
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Starts at $10/month

6. Clearbit

For most companies, a vast percentage of their web traffic remains anonymous. Would it help you reach your goals if you knew who these people are, even if they donā€™t leave their email addresses? Then you might want to check out Clearbit, a tool designed to de-anonymize website traffic.

Using Clearbit, all you need is the visitorsā€™ IP address to learn their:

  • Location
  • Company
  • Industry
  • Technology they use, etc.

Moreover, if you ask for their email, you can get even more specific data such as their name, role in the company, and even number of employees. Given all that data, personalizing communication gets much easier.

For example, we used Clearbit to simplify and boost lead generation and qualification by using the webhook functionality in Landbot builder and integrating it inside a chatbot. The chatbotā€™s role was to provide information about our WhatsApp service as well as collect data and qualify the potential lead.

So, once the users submitted their email address, our bot sent it to Clearbit to fetch the rest of the data. This helped us keep the number of asked questions to the minimum without having to compromise the number of data we need to qualify a lead. In other words, if Clearbit, based on the email address, gave us the name/role/company size numbers, we didnā€™t have to ask these questions any more. Instead, we could focus on more product-specific questions such as ā€œHow urgent is your need for the WhatsApp solution?ā€.

See it in action in the example below:

Free trial: No (Free demo available on request)
Free plan: No
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Based on CRM database size, monthly web traffic, and monthly contact creation.

7. Crazy Egg

Every marketer likes to believe they understand their customer base, all their pain points, needs, and desires.

But wouldnā€™t it be nice if, instead of believing, you could know how your potential customers experience your website and landing pages? Wouldnā€™t it make it easier to optimize and improve? It would! And if this is something that can change the game for you, you need to check out Crazy Egg.

crazyegg marketing technology

Crazy Egg is a heat mapping tool offering an X-ray of how visitors are interacting with your website. This tool was one of the first one of its kind and has managed to maintain its leadership, well, because itā€™s good.

Using Crazy Egg, you can see which section of your page(s) users click on most often, on which page they spend the most time, and what areas are redundant and stay largely ignored.

The tool provides you with four different views:

  • Heatmap (a visual representation of where users click on your site ā€“ areas of interest ā€œglowā€);
  • Confetti (also a visual representation of where users click on your site ā€“ displays all individual clicks);
  • Scrollmap (shows how far down a page visitors typically go before leaving);
  • Overlay (isolates each clickable element on a page and lets you know a precise amount of clicks on each element).

Besides the visual analytics above, Crazy Egg lets you A/B test different versions and variations of pages so you can continue to improve. Itā€™s absolutely invaluable for optimization!

Free trial: Yes
Free plan: No
Credit card required upon signup: Yes
Pricing: Starts at $24/month

8. SEMrush ā€“ SEO

Is one of your 2022 goals organic positioning? Do you want to increase brand awareness or drive more sales without spending thousands on ads? Then you do need a tool to monitor and help improve your siteā€™s performance.

semrush seo marketing tool

SEMrush is one of the SEO staples. Itā€™s not the newest of tools, but their consistent improvement of features, services, and functionalities makes them one of the most relevant and worthy investments. Itā€™s also part of Landbotā€™s MarTech stack, and it helped us perform some pretty impressive organic ā€œmiraclesā€.

We do use SEMrush for performance monitoring, site auditing, and competitor research. Still, our most favorite features all revolve around organic content creation, including keyword research, topic research, content template suggestions based on competitors, and a writing assistant that lets you optimize all texts on the go.

Itā€™s a bit more pricey, but itā€™s the only SEO tool you will need. Plus, it offers some helpful SEM features as well!

Free trial: Yes
Free plan: Yes
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Starts at $99.95/month

9. Demandbase ā€“ Ad Tech

Account-Based Marketing seems to be the new black. If you, too, ā€œfellā€ for the ABM strategy (honestly, who didnā€™t?), then you might be looking for something a bit beyond the usual Google Ads. In that case, Demandbase is a tool to consider for your 2022 MarTech stack.

demandbase saas tool

Demandbase is an end-to-end product suite anchored by a no-limit ABM Platform. It lets you take advertising beyond the usual SEM optimization by sending personalized online ads to specific people at specific companies across the web. As if that wasnā€™t enough, it does show while allowing you to refine the conversion message.

For example, imagine working for an office supply company. Demandbase will help you create and serve personalized ads for office products using predetermined criteria such as industry, previous purchasing habits, or revenue. Cool, right?

In any case, if you are a B2B company with ABM at the core of your 2022 strategy, itā€™s a worthy tool to consider adding to your stack.

Free trial: No (Free demo available on request)
Free plan: No
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Casy by case

10. ClickUp ā€“ Task Management

Now, team and project management tools have always had their place in marketing technology stacks. Though, I must say, 2020 really pushed them into the spotlight as companies all over the world were forced to work and collaborate remotely.

clickup workflow managemetn tool

Itā€™s hard to choose a project management tool mainly because there are many of them, and most of that many are pretty good. It often comes down to your personal preference. Market leaders include Asana, Trello, Monday.com, and so forth. They are all great, to be honest. Though. For this list, I chose ClickUp.

ClickUp is one of the most flexible task management tools out there. In terms of task management, it offers real-time chat, custom fields, custom status, multiple assignees, time tracking, and priorities assignment. Better yet, it allows you to create and collaborate on docs right in the app, set goals, objectives, and schedule sprints, and integrate with a number of top tools like Slack, Google Drive, Figma, Zoom, etc.

All those features, yet it costs next to nothing. So, if you want superb collaboration features without straining your budget, ClickUp is the way to go.

Free trial: Yes
Free plan: Yes
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Starts at $9/month (billed monthly) OR $5/month (billed annually)

11. Mixpanel ā€“ Analytics

No MarTech stack is complete without a great analytics tool.

Mixpanel has been part of our MarTech stack for years and itā€™s the go-to solution for SaaS businesses worldwide.

It focuses on capturing visitor interactions on both web and mobile. Mixpanel has a quick learning curve, and all you need to do to get started with real-time monitoring is set up the code on your website. And thatā€™s the closest you will come to code with this tool! Then, go to your dashboard and choose which events you want to track.


You see, most analytics tools track page views, but Mixpanel lets you measure the events/actions taken by website or application visitors. The event can be anything from someone pressing a button to upload an image, sharing a postā€¦ whatever it is, you need to track to monitor customer interest and journey. We find it particularly useful when it comes to funnŠµl traсkіng, as wŠµ сŠ°n sŠµŠµ monitor each stage of the funnel and adjust our user acquisition stratŠµgy if need be.

All in all, we love Mixpanel because it takes the technical difficulty and cost out of analytics, making it easy and accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Free trial: No
Free plan: Yes
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Starts at $17/month

12. SkedSocial ā€“ Social Media Marketing

The market is saturated with social media marketing (SMM) tools with leaders including titans like Hootsuite, Buffer, and SproutSocial and alternatives. These tools are great, but I wanted to go in a different direction today.

SkedSocial is an Australia-based SMM. While itā€™s not as well-rounded as some of the big brands above, it strongly capitalizes on its niche: Instagram.

skedsocial SM marketing tool

Instagram is by far the most popular social media platform today, leaving Facebook to moms, dads, and uncles. The crowds have moved to this visuals-driven media and so have businesses.

Sure, a lot of SMM offer Instagram integration, but almost none allow you to schedule Instagram stories as well as news feed posts. Thatā€™s what SkedSocial is great at!

Naturally, it also lets you integrate with, schedule for and monitor, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and such, but when it comes to Instagram, it offers the full package:

  • Scheduled posts
  • Image, video, carousel & story auto-posting
  • IGTV scheduling with reminders
  • Instagram Reels scheduling with reminders
  • Hashtags in first comment auto-posting
  • User and location tagging
  • Product tagging/shoppable tags
  • Link in bio integration
  • Drag-and-drop Instagram feed planner & calendar overview

Itā€™s an up-and-comer to watch and a noteworthy solution for small and mid-market businesses.

Free trial: Yes
Free plan: No
Credit card required upon signup: Yes
Pricing: Starts at $25/month

13. Salesforce ā€“ CRM

Successfully managing customer relations is key to growing your business; Especially now, since customer experience seems to be trumping the oldest value of all ā€“ cost.

Because cost, and even product quality, are no longer the main reasons consumers stick with brands, upselling, cross-selling, and reselling to existing customers is no piece of cake. Itā€™s the relationship that matters and Salesforce is the tool to manage it.

Youā€™ve all probably heard of Salesforce. Thereā€™s hardly any introduction needed. Not only do we use it ourselves, but our Landbot builder features a native Salesforce integration. After all, Salesforce CRM does enjoy the largest share on the market, and for a good reason.

Their secret? Being one of the most customizable CRMs available, as well as having a couple of decades of experience on their side. So, whether you are a small-/mid-market company or a large enterprise, Salesforce has dealt with a similar use case before and has a solution up its virtual sleeve.

The software offers marketing automation, lead management, sales data, and even partner management features. It also has a cool visual workflow that lets you drag-and-drop deals, discounts, and expenses. Plus, there are plenty of additional modules to choose from.

Free trial: Yes
Free plan: No
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Starts at $25/month

14. Zoom ā€“ Video Conferencing & Streaming

If you didnā€™t know about Zoom in 2019, you do now. I know, itā€™s quite an obvious choice to put on a MarTech stack list. However, after 2020, Zoom does deserve recognition. The tool was the pillar for thousands of companies worldwide, facilitating meetings, product demos, webinars, and even online conferences.

zoom marketing stack

We, too, took advantage of its offerings. We didnā€™t stop at running company-wide meetings (thanks to Zoomā€™s ā€˜unlimited participantsā€™ feature) but used its superb webinar feature, which proved to be perfectly tailored for lead generation because of:

  • Flexible registration management
  • HD video quality
  • High-quality connection
  • Screen sharing
  • CRM integration to store their data
  • Analytics
  • Privacy and security powered by AES 256-bit encryption

Furthermore, thanks to its API key, we could also integrate Zoom into Landbot (without coding) and created a one-click webinar signup experience for your users!

Zoom is the tool to have in your marketing technology arsenal as its potential reaches far beyond video conferencing. If applied right, Zoom might be an excellent source of lead generation.

Free trial: Yes
Free plan: No
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Starts at $25/month

15. Voluum ā€“ Affiliate Marketing

Thinking of giving affiliate marketing a try? Or perhaps improve the affiliate strategy you already have in place? Then I suggest you give Voluum a second thought.


Voluum is, pretty much, an alternative to Google Analytics but explicitly designed with affiliate marketers in mind. It features a very intuitive user interface, making tracking your affiliate offers easier. You can even track specific data points like devices, operating systems, conversions, etc. Overall, the setup and data viewing are much simpler than with Google Analytics.

You can use Voluum to track all of your campaigns, analyze data for insights, and optimize ad performance. Voluum works with most all advertising traffic sources and comes with pre-built templates for Facebook, Google Ads, Zeropark, ExoClick, Taboola, AppNexus, Mgid, Revcontent, Outbrain, and many more.

Furthermore, Voluum supports all advertising formats, including:

  • Native ads
  • Search ads
  • Display banners
  • Push notification ads
  • Pop ads
  • Social media ads
  • Email advertising
  • Video ads

Free trial: No
Free plan: No
Credit card required upon signup: Yes
Pricing: Starts at $69/month ($49 if billed annually)

16. Segment ā€“ Customer Data Infrastructure

I have already talked about data collection using tools such as Landbot, Mixpanel, Google Analytics, or Salesforce CRMā€¦ Even if not these tools specifically, Iā€™m sure you have your own myriad of tools/locations from which you receive your data. Nowā€¦ What if you could store all of this data in one centralized database automatically?


Collecting all that data is essential. However, extracting these data and transforming them into actionable information is the true game-changer, an extremely complex game-changer.

Segment works as a data hub for your whole company. It has the capacity to collect all the data about a specific customer from a variety of sources, including your website, CRM tools, customer service applications, and compile them together into a single view of the customer.

Segment is quite simply a data hub. The broader the arsenal of your company data collection tools, the more significant the impact of a consolidation tool like Segment.

Free trial: Yes
Free plan: Yes
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Starts at $120/month

17. Wistia ā€“ Video Hosting & Marketing

Your first reaction to a video hosting platform might sound something like this: ā€œWhatā€™s the point of paying for something like Wistia when YouTube is free?ā€

I donā€™t blame you; YouTube has its charms! Especially if you are looking to expand your reach.

However, if your goal is to drive traffic to your website, increase engagement, or improve your websiteā€™s conversions, YouTube falls short. And thatā€™s when Wistia sweeps in!

wistia video streaming marketing

Custom video players are likely to get more clicks; video SEO drives more traffic to your website.

Plus, Wistiaā€™s video email collectors help generate leads you can easily export to your CRM of choice. In other words, with Wistia, you can stream webinars and videos on your website Netflix-style. Hence, all the traffic goodness and engagement goes to your domain instead of YouTube. Still, the software allows you to duplicate the videos you also have on YouTube without any SEO-related penalty.

Besides being able to stream or store video content on your domain, Wistia lets you customize the videosā€™ look and feel to strengthen your brand presence. It also ensures your visitors are not forced to watch irrelevant ads, like in the case with embedded YouTube videos.

Last but not least, Wistia also offers superb analytics that go way beyond what you see on YouTube. They help you understand how well your videos perform through an aggregated view of a videoā€™s performance, heatmaps, and dropoff data.

Free trial: No
Free plan: Yes
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Starts at $79/month

18. Aircall ā€“ Cloud Calling

Some people might feel like phone-driven sales and support are dying out. However, thatā€™s not the case exactly. Rather less costly solutions (like live chats and chatbots) are taking over.

Nonetheless, everyone knows that sometimes five minutes of direct, one-on-one conversation can do something a hundred of exchanged chat messages canā€™t. The more intricate or expensive your product, the more thereā€™s a need for actual conversation.

The issue with calls is that setting up all the possible channels one might use is frustrating.


Now, Aircall enables your team to instantly start a phone call from basically every major software system like Slack, Hubspot, Intercom, etc. Thus, making transferring visitors from chat into a one-on-one completely automatic and a matter of minutes.

You can let bots do the groundwork and then let your human team sweep and speed up the sales cycle dramatically. The features offered range from phone system features to collaboration, call center, productivity, analytics, and integrations.

If phone calls make up a core part of your sales funnel, Aircall is definitely a tool to consider.

Free trial: Yes
Free plan: No
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Starts at $30/month

19. Uberflip ā€“ Content Marketing & Management

One focus for marketers is to produce and provide content to the right buyers at the right time. Uberflip is a tool designed to help marketers do just that.


Uberlfip describes itself as a ā€œcontent experience platform.ā€ It pulls your entire content inventory or library, including all your blogs, ebooks, white papers, videos, newsletters, and more, allowing marketers to organize, categorize, and optimize a truly tailored content experience for your buyers.

Uberflip allows marketers to build content hubs, organized by topic or category, which helps buyers find content or answers to their problems or challenges.

Not only does this allow you to get your content in your buyersā€™ ā€œhandsā€ faster, which helps to improve the customer experience, but it has also proven to help boost lead generation. The tool is not the cheapest and itā€™s not for everyone. However, if content is in heard of your marketing strategy then itā€™s absolutely worth the investment.

Free trial: No
Free plan: No
Credit card required upon signup: n/a
Pricing: Quote-based

20. Trackr ā€“ Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing hasnā€™t been the most praised or popular strategy in recent years, often suffering a lot of criticism. However, marketers who do it right continue to realize incredible ROI.

Gymshark fitness wear company is the shining example of what can happen if you approach influencer marketing the right way. The brand grew its sales from 5.8 in 2014 to 103.2 million in 2018, leveraging the power of fitness influencers.

In a study by MediaKix, 89% of marketers claimed their ROI from influencer marketing was comparable to or better than other marketing channels.

Traackr is a data-driven influencer marketing platform that allows marketers to optimize influencer investments, streamline campaigns, and scale programs.


The tool offers insights for over 6 million vetted influencers. The data sets include audience demographics, brand affinity, fraud detection, and even historical performance indicators.

You can use the platform to filter out the influencers who best fit your brand. Searching across influencers from 43 countries speaking 19 languages, you can filter them based on their performance, bios, captions, and content on 13 social media platforms and 22 other audience and influencer criteria.

Lastly, Traackr enables you to run influencer campaigns with customizable workflows and influencer insights for organic advocacy, product gifting, events, and paid partnerships.

Free trial: No (Demo available on request)
Free plan: No
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Case-by-case basis

21. Prisync ā€“ Product Pricing

Are you running an eCommerce?

Then you must know finding the right pricing for your products and services is quite the challengeā€”a challenge you need to revisit continuously.

This is when Prisync can help you out. The platform enables you to evaluate competitor pricing and optimize your prices accordingly to maximize revenue.


Hereā€™s how it works!

  • Defining your product assortment and competitors;
  • Add your products to the system (in bulk or one-by-one);
  • Add an unlimited number of competitors.

And done!

Data will start to flow through your dashboard, which offers a detailed overview of pricing movements in your market, historical trends, and even brand/category level indices. Besides competitorsā€™ pricing, you can also analyze their stock availability data.

Itā€™s a clever tool indeed. Furthermore, on top of the data, you can also use it to maximize your profits to set dynamic pricing rules that automatically adjust to the market and take a great deal of work off your hands.

Free trial: Yes
Free plan: No
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Starts at $59/month

22. Fomo ā€“ Social Proof for your Website

Last but not least, thereā€™s Fomo.

In a world full of insecurities and scams, trust is everything.

fomo social proof martech tool

Fomo is a tool designed to help you gain prospective customersā€™ trust the moment they land on your website. This clever tool avoids popups and other forms of aggressive advertising. Instead, it, quite simply, ads social proof to your site.

It helps you showcase recent customer actions such as purchases, newsletter signups, comments, likes, etc. All that just by adding one line of code!

All in all, publicizing these behaviors increases social proof dramatically and sets first-time visitors at ease.

Some of the most appreciated things about this tool are the ease of set up, fair pricing, and great customer service!

Free trial: Yes
Free plan: No
Credit card required upon signup: No
Pricing: Starts at $19/month

To Sum Things Upā€¦

So, this is my list of marketing technology tools I believe can bring value to your 2022 MarTech stack. Sure, there are many more out there. Though, I humbly hope my selection will help you focus your search.

Whether your focus is B2C or B2B marketing, Iā€™m sure there is at least one tool on this list that can help you take your business to the next stage.