Trigger Automation

Learn how to build a WhatsApp chatbot that generates and qualifies leads in real-time using the Trigger Automation block.

The Trigger Automation block is a powerful tool that lets you integrate with other apps without dealing with the complexity of APIs. In this video lesson, we will explore how to integrate this block with Make and build a WhatsApp chatbot that generates and qualifies leads in real-time.

This automation block is compatible with all channels like WhatsApp, Messenger, Web, and API chatbots, which makes it very versatile. We will use the trigger automation block to send qualified leads to our CRM via Make. For our CRM, we will use Pipedrive.First, we will create a WhatsApp chatbot from scratch that asks for basic information like name, email, and company name. We will use the Lead Scoring block to score the leads and redirect conversations to different flows depending on the lead score. For this example, we only focus on high scoring leads and want to send them to Pipedrive, which is where we use the Trigger Automation block.

To configure the automation block, we require a webhook URL that we can get from Make. After logging in to Make, we create a new scenario, select webhook, and custom webhook, give the webhook a name, and save. We copy the webhook URL and paste it in the Trigger Automation block. To test if the webhook URL is working correctly, we send some test information from Landbot to Make. If the status code is 200, we are good to go.Next, we create a new module in Make for Pipedrive CRM, and we choose to create a new deal. We will need the Pipedrive API token to set up the connection, which we get from Pipedrive.

After filling up the create a deal form with the information from Landbot, we test the scenario, and the test deal is created in Pipedrive.Finally, we test the WhatsApp chatbot by linking it to a testing channel, and we simulate being an end-user. We enter our information, and the lead scoring block does its work and scores the lead.

The Trigger Automation block sends the information to Make, which sends it to Pipedrive, where the deal is instantly created.In conclusion, the Trigger Automation block is a powerful tool that helps to integrate different apps and automate workflows without dealing with the complexity of APIs. The integration of Landbot with Make and Pipedrive offers an excellent example of how this block can help automate lead generation and management for your business.

0:00 Intro

0:31 What are we Building?

1:04 Building the WhatsApp Chatbot

2:11 Getting the URL from Make

3:30 Setting Up our Pipedrive to get the data and store it

5:00 Testing the WhatsApp Chatbot

5:45 Recap

Key takeaways

  • Understand what is the trigger automation block
  • Get the URL from Make
  • Setting up Pipedrive
  • Understand what is the trigger automation block
Get the URL from Make
Setting up Pipedrive