Message Block Explained Video

Learn how the message block works and what can be done with it.

The Message Block is a simple yet versatile tool in building chatbots. With this block, chatbot creators can send any message they want in any format they need, from plain text to hyperlinks to formatted text.To start creating a Message Block, chatbot creators can simply drag and drop it into the flow right after the starting point.

From there, they can start writing anything they want their users to receive, and format the text as necessary. The Message Block provides various formatting options, such as bold, italic, bullet lists, and quotes, making it easier to convey messages to users in different ways.Aside from these formatting options, the Message Block also allows chatbot creators to include hyperlinks, codes, headings, and emojis in their messages. While hyperlinks can be clickable on web chatbots, they will only appear as regular text on WhatsApp chatbots.

This is an important consideration for chatbot creators who want to ensure a consistent user experience across different channels.Once chatbot creators have created their message, they can save and test it to see how it will be displayed to users. In testing, they can see how different formatting options and inclusions will appear to end users, including how hyperlinks will be displayed on WhatsApp chatbots. Chatbot creators can also add multiple message sections in the same block to create a cleaner and more organized builder.

This way, they can keep building their chatbot without cluttering their builder. Overall, the Message Block is an essential tool for chatbot creators who want to communicate with their users in different formats and styles. With its various formatting options and inclusions, creators can make their chatbots more engaging and user-friendly.

00:00 Intro

00:09 Sections

00:22 Anatomy of the block

01:12 Testing

01:22 Add blocks

01:35 Outro

Key takeaways

  • Block anatomy
  • What can be done and what cannot
  • Block anatomy
What can be done and what cannot